Gallery Pal

Augmented Reality Museum Guide

This AR app enriches your museum visit by providing bite-sized insights on the art. Gallery Pal unlocks a deeper understanding and appreciation for the art at your fingertips. Immerse yourself in a unique art museum experience with Gallery Pal!

Developed in just 5 days using Google Ventures Design Sprint Methodology

design sprint | user interviews | rapid prototyping | user testing | sketching | storyboarding


Google Ventures Design Sprint Methodology
This case study presents a practical application of the Google Ventures Sprint method—an acclaimed design framework designed to rapidly iterate and validate ideas.
The aim of this case study is to demonstrate how  one can leverage this method to streamline the user experience of a cutting-edge mobile application.

By following the structured sprint process, I was able to tackle complex design challenges, gather valuable user feedback, and make informed design decisions that ultimately transformed the app's usability and appeal. Below is a daily journal of this project.

Sprint Day 1 - Monday

Undestanding the Problem

Museums and Galleries are trying to increase guest customer satisfaction when it comes to viewing art. They have called upon Gallery pal to design a way to improve the user's experience on a mobile platform. Working as a solo UX designer, I ran a 5 day design sprint to come up with possible solutions to their problem. Museums and galleries are trying to improve customer satisfaction when viewing art which could include paintings, sculptures or installations.

Design Constraints

The primary focus is to improve the in-person viewing experience. How can you improve how guests experience art while they are looking at the piece in real life

The solution should be designed for mobile devices since this is what users commonly use at the musuem. A mobile app or mobile-optimized website app.


Highlights from User Interveiws

Below is the feedback from multiple users as provided in the project brief:
"Tell us about a recent time you visited an art museum or gallery?"
"I often wonder - what would the artist tell me about this piece if they had a minute to talk to me? How cool would that be?!?"
- Liza
"I may do a little research before my visit but I always find a work of art that catches my eye that I didn't read about beforehand"
- Claire
"There are so many times I find myself saying how did the artist do that? - I would love to know more about their process and technique"
- Dana
"Sometimes I'll do a quick Google search for a painting while on my phone while at the museum.. but I usually just find long articles that are super overwhelming"
- Nick
"I like to form my own opinion about art but it can be hard to do that when I dont really know anything about the artist, or what their intentions were in creating the work"
- Jane
"I enjoy looking at art, but sometimes feel like I'm missing out on the full experience by not knowing any background or context."
- Anna
"I dont really enjoy group tours becuase I like to do my own thing... but sometimes I listen in to learn a few facts about the artist, or the piece itself."
- Alex



Meet Angela
She is a 23 year old Junior Art Director from New York City. Since moving to the city a year ago she's has been trying to visit the museums every few months. She just goest and browses whatever work is being showcased.

She enjoys her visits but feels like if she knew a little more she could have a better experience.
Image of Junior Art Director - Angela
She has tried to read some books and articles on the art she's seen but loses interest due to how long and in-depth they are. Her goal is to get quick information while looking at the art that will give her a better appreciation for it; and make her feel like she is making the most out of her visits.
" I enjoy going to the museum but I often leave feeling like I didn't appreciate the art to its full potential. I dont need to know everything,
I just dont want to feel like I was missing out on something"

Expert Interview

The main take way from an expert interview with an art tour guide from the Museum of Natural History in New York City was that average museum goer wants to understand the artist intent and get small bits of information that helps them to form their own opinion about the art that they viewed on the visit.


The research provided suggests that there exists two types of typical museum attendants.
Some are very knowledgeable and others are beginners with very little art knowledge.
I hypothesize that designing a product that would be able to allow the user to customize their art understanding level will be beneficial to the user. 

The user's primary goal can be captured in this quote:
“I want to appreciate art to its full potential and leave the museum feeling like I learned something"
Synthesized user goal based on museum goer testimonials

IDEA 1: "interesting facts with gallery pal"

The user, is a curious art history novice exploring the realm of art museums. With the aid of an app, specifically designed to enhance their experience - an augmented reality museum companion, known as the "Gallery Pal," springs to life when the app recognizes a painting. This companion appears through the user's device and eagerly imparts captivating auditory insights about the artwork.
The content presented by the Gallery Pal is carefully curated to cater to individuals who relish the joy of sharing intriguing anecdotes with their friends following their museum visit. Each interaction with the app promises to unveil an interesting fact or story associated with the artwork, ensuring that the user's experience is not only educational but also filled with exciting nuggets of knowledge. By engaging with the app, the user becomes equipped with engaging conversation starters and fascinating details that will undoubtedly spark conversations and leave a lasting impression on their companions.
Whiteboarding: Idea 1 "Interesting Facts with Gallery Pal"

IDEA 2: "deep reflections"

The user is an art museum aficionado, equipped with a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Their primary objective is to acquire comprehensive, expert-level insights about the painting they are currently observing. To enhance their experience, a captivating video animation accompanied by enlightening audio spontaneously appears as soon as the user sets their gaze upon the artwork. This multimedia presentation delves into various critical aspects, including the artist's identity and the era in which the masterpiece was created, the distinctive techniques and styles employed, and the broader context and historical background that influenced its genesis.

Upon the conclusion of the tour, the viewer is granted an opportunity for contemplation, allowing them to engage in a well-informed reflection upon the artwork. Moreover, at the end of their visit, the user has the option to receive a concise summary of their exploration, which serves as a memento of their enriching experience. Should the user desire to delve deeper into the artist's oeuvre, they can easily access additional resources and information about the artist as they exit the museum.
Whiteboarding: Idea 2 "Deep Reflections"

IDEA 3: "points of interest"

The user is empowered to tailor their art exploration experience from the very beginning, with the ability to select their preferred knowledge level and set personalized preferences. The ultimate aim is to provide them with a valuable tool that enhances their individual viewing of a particular work of art, catering to their unique interests and needs.

Upon scanning a QR code or using their camera to capture a painting, a captivating world unfurls on their phone screen, adorned with intriguing augmented reality filters. These filters intelligently highlight notable spots within the artwork, inviting the user to delve deeper into specific points of interest. By selecting these spots, the user gains access to a wealth of additional information, allowing them to satiate their curiosity and obtain a comprehensive understanding of the artwork's intricacies.

This personalized approach ensures that each user can fully engage with the painting according to their preferences, granting them the freedom to explore the aspects that captivate them the most. Whether it be unraveling the historical context, deciphering the techniques employed, or uncovering the artist's inspiration, this interactive tool serves as a reliable companion, enriching the user's art viewing experience and fostering a deeper appreciation for the masterpiece at hand.
Whiteboarding: Idea 3 "Points of Interest"

Sprint Day 2 - tuesday

Sketching the Solution

“The average visitor to the museum’s collections spent on average only 2.31 seconds in front of each image."
In a busy modern life where visitors are not always inclined to linger, museums can use AR technology to reach out and grab their attention. This suggests that having short easy-to-digest pieces of information is important for the user.

Carrying out some independent research on the latest trends in the intersection between technology and museums I discovered there is shift towards using AR to increase the museum goers experiences.
Crazy 8 Sketches: These sketches show what happens when a user scans an artwork with their camera. An augmented reality experience is created where they can select different interest points and learn about the various techniques or stories about the particular work of art.
Below is an example sketch of a product solution which helps users explore a painting
Screen 1
after the museum visitor has scanned the painting in front of them this success screen pops up with basic details on the painting.
Screen 2
Once they click the screen (or a button) they will see the painting through their mobile lens and view the “points of interest” - these are defined as areas within the painting that the user can select to gain greater depth and insights into the painting

Screen 3
This screen shows what it looks like when the user clicks one of the “points of interest” An audio and text overlay will show up explaining the specific point of interest. The user can then go on to the next point or back to the painting. They have the option of saving and sharing information.

Sprint Day 3 - wednesday

Creating a Storyboard

The storyboarding process was very helpful in organizing and imagining the user's journey through the app. I focused on the onboarding as well as the scan image processing functionality to improve the museum-goers visit experience. 
Image of my post-it storyboarding session

Sprint Day 4 - THURSDAY


The Gallery Pal prototype I have developed aims to address the following critical pain points:

Stakeholder 1:
Museum/Institution -Enhancing Visitor Satisfaction:

By leveraging the prototype, the satisfaction of museum-goers is expected to significantly improve. The app provides a solution that fosters a more enriching and engaging experience during their visit, ultimately leaving them with a heightened sense of fulfillment.

Stakeholder 2:
Museum Goer - Facilitating Understanding and Context:

One of the primary objectives of the prototype is to ensure that museum-goers depart with a profound sense of understanding and context regarding the artists and artworks they encounter. By bridging the gap between the visitor and the artwork, the prototype aims to enhance their overall museum experience.
The specific goals for testing the prototype encompass the following:
  1. Seamless "Novice Level" Onboarding: The prototype is designed to enable users to effortlessly navigate the onboarding process, particularly those who are new to art appreciation. The aim is to ensure that users can swiftly acclimate to the app and its functionalities, setting them up for a smooth and enjoyable experience.
  2. Clear Explanation of App Capabilities: During testing, it is essential to convey the app's features and capabilities effectively. Users should gain a comprehensive understanding of how the app operates and the benefits it offers, ensuring they can make the most out of their museum visit.
  3. Successful Use of Scan Functionality: The prototype's scan functionality plays a crucial role in providing users with an interactive and informative experience. Testing will determine the efficacy of this feature, allowing users to experience how the product seamlessly integrates with the physical artworks in the museum setting.
  4. Determining Project's Next Steps: Testing the prototype will provide insights into its reception and effectiveness. These findings will guide decision-making regarding the next steps for the project, such as identifying areas for improvement or additional features to enhance the user experience further.The primary objective of this testing phase is to gauge user feedback and evaluate how well the current version of the prototype meets the goals of delivering easily digestible content to users and enhancing overall satisfaction with their museum visit. This valuable feedback will inform further development and refinement of the app, ensuring it successfully addresses the identified pain points and delivers a remarkable experience for museum-goers.
Log in screen. Swipe-able screen showing key features of the app
Home screen, user can explore preset tours options or browse at their leisure with "A la carte mode"
À la Carte Mode Scanning as you walk through the galleries
Scanning mode
Scanning complete painting information loaded
Completed module screen, contains options for viewing next work as well as tags for further exploration
Artist biography
Navigate to nearby artwork with AR guided footsteps

Sprint Day 5 - FRIDAY

User Testing

User Prompts 
  1. You just visited the MET museum and downloaded the Gallery Pal app. It has audio + reading style so pop in your headphones and get started. You are looking forward to trying this app out on your visit. Please try and create an account as a “beginner” First scanYou have your headphones in 
  2. You found a painting you liked, try to scan it and learn more about it
  3. You want to learn more about the painter. 
  4. You want to navigate to the Lilies painting next, use the app to do so5 - could you see yourself using a product like this? 
View link to full user testing notes
Location of User Interviews - Library Meeting room to carry out Virtual Interviews


Overall the testing went very positively. The following patterns came up in user testing

Onboarding Flow

The onboarding flow proved to be seamless and efficient, with no reported issues encountered during testing. The majority of users found the onboarding process to be highly satisfactory, swiftly adapting to the app's functionalities. However, one insightful user provided feedback suggesting that it would be beneficial to clearly indicate the number of steps involved within each "interest spot".
Taking this valuable feedback into consideration, we can further refine the user experience by implementing a visual cue or indicator to signify the progression or number of steps within each spot. This enhancement will ensure that users have a clear understanding of the process and can anticipate the journey ahead, enabling them to engage with the app more confidently and comprehensively.

A La Cart / Scan Flow

Some users experienced confusion with the audio element of the prototype. Specifically, those who were familiar with books or media that incorporate audio features had an easier time understanding the concept. As the prototype did not have actual audio, users found it challenging to envision this aspect, resulting in a certain level of confusion.

To address this feedback and minimize any potential misunderstandings, it is crucial to enhance the clarity surrounding the audio component of the app. This can be achieved by providing explicit instructions or visual cues that help users grasp the concept of audio accompanying the augmented reality experience. By leveraging intuitive design elements and clear communication, we can bridge the gap and ensure that all users, regardless of their prior knowledge or experience, can easily comprehend and engage with the audio aspect of the app.

Learnings & Closing Thoughts

By applying the sprint methodology in this UX design case study, I was able to efficiently create prototypes and deliver a solution of exceptional quality. However, given more time, I would have liked to delve deeper into the exploration and testing of the gallery navigation element for transitioning between artworks. Additionally, I would have focused on enhancing the integration of biography and art information within the app, as these elements currently pose challenges for users to locate independently, with only 20% of users successfully discovering them.

I strongly believe that the sprint method is an effective approach for design teams to quickly generate viable solutions by dividing tasks among members. Leveraging this method would allow us to leverage each other's designs and ideas, fostering collaboration and enabling us to progress to the next testing phase more seamlessly.